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5 Essential Questions Every High School Soccer Player Must Ask College Coaches

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Discover the differences in skill level, competition, and opportunities among professional, college, and high school soccer.


In the pursuit of playing soccer at the collegiate level, it's vital for high school athletes to connect with college coaches. One of the most effective ways to make this connection is through a phone call. However, many athletes find themselves at a loss for what to ask during this critical conversation. The questions you ask can provide you with insights about the college soccer program and demonstrate your serious interest in becoming a part of it.

Here are some essential questions you can ask to make the most of your conversation with a college coach.

  • What is your coaching philosophy?

Understanding a coach's philosophy can give you insights into their expectations, the team culture, and their approach to training and player development.

Example: "Could you tell me more about your coaching philosophy? How does it reflect in the team's training sessions and playing style?"

  • What does a typical day look like for a soccer player at your college?

This question shows that you are keen to understand the life of a student-athlete at their college. It can also provide you with a realistic view of the commitment level required.

Example: "I'd love to get a glimpse of a typical day for a player on your team. Could you share what that looks like?"

  • What are the team's strengths and areas of improvement?

Asking about the team's strengths and areas for improvement can demonstrate your desire to contribute to the team's success.

Example: "In your opinion, what are the team's key strengths and areas where the team could improve? How do you envision a new player contributing to these areas?"

  • What academic support do you provide for student-athletes?

This question shows that you value your academic performance and are aware of the challenges of balancing athletics with academics.

Example: "Could you tell me about the academic support available to student-athletes at your college? How does the program help athletes balance their sporting and academic commitments?"

  • What are you looking for in a player for your team?

By asking this question, you not only get an idea of what the coach values in their players, but it also gives you an opportunity to tie your skills and strengths back to what the coach is seeking.

Example: "What qualities and skills do you seek in a player joining your team? I'm interested in knowing how I might align with your expectations."

Remember, your conversation with a college coach is not just about them getting to know you, but also about you getting to know them and their program. By asking informed and thoughtful questions, you can demonstrate your genuine interest and passion for joining their soccer program.

Example Phone Script:

Player: "Hello, Coach [Last Name]. This is [Your Name]. I'm really excited to have the opportunity to talk with you today. I'm keen to learn more about your soccer program. May I ask you a few questions?"

Coach: "Sure, go ahead."

Player: "Could you tell me more about your coaching philosophy? How does it reflect in the team's training sessions and playing style?"

After coach's response...

Player: "That's fascinating. I'd love to get a glimpse of a typical day for a player on your team. Could you share what that looks like?"

After coach's response...

Player: "I appreciate you sharing that. In your opinion, what are the team's key strengths and areas where the team could improve? How do you envision a new player contributing to these areas?"

After coach's response...

Player: "That's very insightful. Could you tell me about the academic support available to student-athletes at your college? How does the program help athletes balance their sporting and academic commitments?"

After coach's response...

Player: "That sounds supportive. Lastly, what qualities and skills do you seek in a player joining your team? I'm interested in knowing how I might align with your expectations."

After coach's response...

Player: "Thank you, Coach [Last Name]. I believe my skills in [mention your skills] and my dedication to [mention what you're dedicated to] align well with what you're looking for. I appreciate your time today and look forward to the possibility of contributing to your team's success."


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